Friday, November 14, 2014

Speaker for the Dead

Speaker for the Dead is a really interesting book right from the beginning if you read Ender's Game first. So it is 3000 years after Ender has eradicated the bugger aliens. And there is another alien race that the humans are trying to protect. They are also studying them and they call them the piggies. Ender has been traveling the universe to find a place to let the new hive queen start a new colony. He has been traveling with it for those 3000 years and he really hasn't completely killed all the bugger aliens. But it is his purpose in his life to restore their race. This is because he is pretty upset about how he killed off a whole race. And where I've come to in the book is where the hive queen in its cocoon has told him that the place for them  to start a new colony is Lusitania. The planet name that the piggies live on. I can't wait to read further. The questions I ask along with Ender is, Will the buggers and the piggies be able to strive together? and, Will the people of the universe allow the buggers to live again? I will have to see. Here is an interview on the movie Ender's Game.
                                     Here is a picture of the hive queen depicted in the movie.

Friday, October 24, 2014

New Book!

 The book Deeper was a pretty good book. But there are still three more in the series to read. I'm taking a break though and reading Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card. I loved his book Ender's Game and this book ties into it. It is a pretty big book with many words on one page. I have gotten through the introduction of characters and the setting and now I'm getting to the definition of the problem. At least one of them. Ender's Game had become a movie also. It was pretty good, but because the movie is limited on time, they couldn't show all the details in the book. I will just have to see how Speaker for the Dead turns out.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

End of Book Feeling and More Details

The book could end right here and they live happily ever after. But here is the next problem to be solved throughout the series of 5. The Styx, the mean people in control of the civilization, are creating a deadly pathogen to wipe out the world. The Styx make the colonist in the caves believe they are living there to live through some catastrophe that the Styx will actually create themselves. This thing is just dragging on as all these different characters live in the deadly pitch black of the deeps where there lives are just trash right now. They could just end there lives and end up in a better place, they think they are able to do something. They probably will and that's probably why they are the main characters. I'm ready to read a different authors way of writing right now. Just 100 pages left. This feeling always comes by near the end of a book in a series. But I love books and can't just stop. I just can't wait till all the people that are split up find each other.  That will be the good part. Now here is a cool drawing of a Limiter that is hired by the Styx to hunt out people in the caves to use them as test subjects for the pathogen or to just kill them out. Not mush detail on all they do.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Goal is Close

     So the main goal of the main character is to find his dad in the deeps of a cave system that is huge. And the last time it switched to Will's Dad's perspective was when he was really close to him. Right now, it has switched to his perspective again as Will has accidentally wondered away from his friends of the deeps. He is now wondering lava tubes hoping to run away from the Limiters looking to kill him. He starts to shout for his dad and the chapter ends. Next chapter, his dad's perspective. It is getting really exciting in this point of the story and can't wait to read on. To the right is a picture of a coprolite that lives in the deeps.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

What's Next...

     The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde was a great book overall. It started out slow in the beginning but I had to read the book. Less than halfway through the book, Jennifer, the main character, turned into a dragonslayer and it totally changed her role in the book and in her world. When the problem is resolved, you would think she just ended the book in a bad way. And then you see there are still a couple pages left. I don't want to spoil the book here though. I definitely recommend it to anybody.
     What's next? The book is the first in a series of books. I can also see at the end of the book that there is still lots more that could happen. I want to read the series as I usually do with any good book in a series. I'm currently reading Deeper by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams. I'm about halfway through this book and it is the second book in its series. I think there is two or three more to read. I have a lot more to do.
     If you read this post, comment what book you read over this summer.
  Here is a link to a summary of Tunnels. The first book in the series I'm reading.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Jasper Fforde talks about "The Last Dragonslayer" and visits Hereford, w...

In chapter 13 of The Last Dragonslayer, Jennifer meets a man named Brian Spalding. Brian is an old man who is the most recent dragonslayer of the dragon. Jennifer meets him on a bench and they have small talk at first. Then, they both find out that they are waiting for each other. Brian then takes Jennifer to the Dragonstation and quickly makes Jennifer the last dragonslayer. She is hesitant and not very sure about what to do. She is now the last dragonslayer and has nobody to help her. The central idea of this chapter is to have Jennifer become the important role of the last dragonslayer without the knowledge of what to do next.

This is a link to an article talking about the book and the author, Fforde. The Last Dragonslayer Article.

Here is a link to a video where the author tours the setting of the book, Hereford.